Producer Impact on CarbonCure’s Carbon Savings

The manufacturing of low carbon concrete products using CarbonCure’s technologies, and their associated carbon savings, which total over six million truckloads and 400,000 metric tons of CO2 to date, are only possible through our partnerships with field-leading concrete producers in more than 30 countries. CarbonCure’s dual economic and environmental benefits are also fueled by the sale of premium carbon credits on the voluntary carbon market, generating revenue streams that we proudly share with our producer partners.

To ensure the premium quality (and pricing) of our carbon credits, it is essential that we collectively protect their credibility. One risk to carbon credit sales is the potential perception of what’s known as “double counting,” with multiple parties claiming or touting the same carbon savings. To avoid that risk, CarbonCure is committed to providing instruction and support around the most accurate and effective communication and marketing messages about the environmental impact of using our technologies.

By using CarbonCure, concrete producers have the potential to facilitate the reduction and removal of hundreds of metric tons of carbon emissions every year, while continuing to provide their customers with the same high quality concrete products and services.

Carbon Savings Disclaimer

Any figures provided on carbon savings cannot be used for project-specific carbon accounting, and any savings that occurred may have resulted in the sale of carbon credits. VCUs may be issued for the greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals associated with CarbonCure’s solution in the United States of America.