Your Guide to Success with CarbonCure 

Operational change is never easy, and implementing any new technology can introduce risk to your business. 

Working with CarbonCure mitigates that risk. In a recent webinar series—summarized in this short blog post—our team walks you through the entire customer journey with CarbonCure. 

See how we ensure your success at every stage and get a feel for what it’s really like to work with us. 

CarbonCure Foundations Program for Customer Success

CarbonCure Foundations is CarbonCure’s customer success program. It ensures success from onboarding, installation and testing, to ongoing technical support and market development, and enables producers to gain all the advantages of CarbonCure with none of the risks. 

Our customer success program helps you to: 

  1. Introduce new technology without disrupting your plant operations
  2. Extend your QC/QA team using CarbonCure’s resources and expertise
  3. Grow your market share with sustainable concrete by leveraging our materials and industry connections

Step 1: Planning 

When you implement CarbonCure at your facility, you are assigned a dedicated Customer Operations Specialist who manages your onboarding experience and guides you through a proven systematic process to deliver the best business outcomes quickly.

Read how a CarbonCure’s Customer Operations Specialists, helps producers navigate their path to sustainable concrete.

Your Customer Operations Specialist will spend time getting to know your business. They will also help manage the onboarding process, ensuring seamless communication between all the different teams you will engage with at CarbonCure.

When you begin working with us, we’ll host a kick-off call to gather critical information about your company, your operations, and your specific CO2 emissions profile. From there, we create an implementation plan and gain executive alignment on preliminary goals, timelines, and responsibilities. 

Our planning process helps us understand where your company is today and where you want to be in the future. 

Example of some critical information gathered during the onboarding process

“CarbonCure has very professional, polished, people working on the onboarding process. They were very knowledgeable, and they were able to answer all the questions upfront. I honestly can't think of anything that could have been improved. Everybody was great.”

Stephen Fleming
VP of Operations, Point Ready Mix

Step 2: Installation 

CarbonCure's installation process is designed to be as simple as possible. Producers can choose between a self-serve installation where our team remotely walks you through the process or a CarbonCure installation where our team works with you on the ground to roll out the technology.

In either scenario, our team will guide you through the initial process and gather the critical information we need.

Example of the information gathered before the implementation process

CarbonCure Ready Mix typically involves three stages of implementation:

1. Installation of CarbonCure’s valve box

We’ll help you determine the best location for CarbonCure Ready Mix equipment, retrofit the equipment to your plant, and optimize the CO2 injection timing for your specific range of concrete mixes.

2. Integration of CarbonCure’s control box with batch operations systems

We’ll set up the control box to help with the automation of CO2 dosage and enable remote telemetry for real-time system monitoring, customer support, and data collection and analysis.

3. Injection of CO2

We’ll walk you through the CO2 injection processes and the integration with your batch operating systems. For central mix, the CO2 is injected into the mixer, and for dry batch mix, the CO2 is injected into the mouth of the truck.

A typical installation process will take between four and eight weeks from start to finish:

Read how Brandon Burns, Domestic Engineering Manager, supports concrete producers throughout the installation process.

“We held pre-install meetings to get all the information we needed upfront. This meant we could complete the installation within a two-day window with no interruption to our production processes. That was a really big deal.”

Collin Bender
QC Manager, Conewago Manufacturing

Step 3: Testing & Implementation

CarbonCure’s Technical Services and Support (TSS) team provides world-class expertise to producers. The TSS team works closely with you to define the right implementation plan for your unique plant. Some producers want to roll out the technology quickly and broadly; others take a more conservative approach, testing it in select mix designs and rolling it out slowly. 

The TSS team acts as an extension of your quality control team for the duration of our partnership. We work with you—in person at your plant and remotely—to introduce CarbonCure to your products, test, analyze, and optimize to achieve the perfect mix for your requirements, and adjust mix designs to reduce cementitious content.

Pre InstallationPost InstallationMarket Ready
Gathering production volume TestingSupport with specifications
Understanding mix designsRealizing performance benefitsAdditional testing
Collecting historical data

Pre-installation, the TSS team will conduct an onboarding call with your QC team to educate them on CarbonCure’s effect on concrete and gather information to inform your testing plan including:

  • Production volume: We gain an understanding of your plant's production volume breakdown and determine the highest volume mixes to use in our early testing. 
  • Historical data: We analyze historical data on existing mixes and use it as a baseline for comparative testing with CarbonCure mixes.
  • Cement samples and mill certs: We sample your existing cement products and examine them in our lab in Halifax. When available, we look at mill certs to develop a more complete picture of your mixes and how they may react to our technologies.
  • Quality control: We review your organization's quality control protocols and procedures to ensure our plan is realistic, considering your in-house capacity.

We realize that many producers won't have an in-house lab or break machines, so we provide our own lab resources or employ local third-party labs to test the concrete.

Step 4: Implementation

Once initial testing is complete, the TSS team helps producers with their commercial implementation of CarbonCure. We review all the data gathered during the testing process and make production volume recommendations to help you achieve the best impact possible.

The TSS team's work doesn't stop once the implementation plan is in motion—they provide ongoing technical support to your QC team including: 

  • Mix adjustment recommendations: We provide ongoing testing and recommendations about new mix designs. Many producers start with residential mixes and then move to commercial mixes. The TSS team will be there to help support your growth.
  • Performance verification testing: Any time you adjust mixes, we can help with testing against your historical baselines so you can ensure performance is maintained.
  • Additional cement reductions: We assist with testing and recommendations to help you achieve higher cement reductions safely.
  • Municipality and DOT testing: We help you work with municipalities or departments of transportation to gain acceptance of CarbonCure in mix designs for public sector projects.

“The members of CarbonCure’s TSS team are like unpaid employees in our company. We trust them enough to use them as sounding boards for our team. We regularly call them up and run through our mix designs or challenges we come up against—even when it is unrelated to CarbonCure.”

Nate Tarbox
General Manager, Bay Ready Mix

Step 5: Go-To-Market

Once you’re up and running, our Strategic Business team helps you take your new sustainable concrete to market and maximize new business opportunities.

Your Strategic Business Manager (formerly knows as Market Development Manager) will work with you to:

  • Create a custom market development plan for your business
  • Conduct sales and marketing training to help your teams sell CarbonCure
  • Prepare customized marketing materials and launch materials to educate your customers and the community 
  • Provide qualified CarbonCure leads for new sales opportunities
  • Engage end users and the AEC community to develop performance-based specifications and remove specification barriers to commercial and public projects

Read how Jessica Wilson, Market Development Manager, works with concrete producers to grow their market share.

You will also gain access to myCarbonCure—your secure, personalized portal for production data, carbon savings data, and market development resources including:

Marketing materials for your audienceTraining programs for sales and marketing team membersLead sharing program for regional AEC prospects
Internal communications tools for your staffPromotional AIA-accredited sales presentationJoint media opportunities
Sample specification languageThought leadership and industry insightsDirect support for engagement with your customers
Mix submittal documentation to support winning bids

The portal also contains all the data and reports related to your CO2 savings as well as mix submittal documentation, a carbon savings estimator tool, and details on our Carbon Removal Credit Program.

Once you have built a market for CarbonCure, our Strategic Business team will continue to work with you, conducting quarterly volume and return on investment reviews and identifying new growth areas.

“I was skeptical about whether a lower carbon footprint would help us generate business in our region, but CarbonCure’s market development support has yielded results. We are seeing a lot of success, not only commercially, but also with residential home builders across the Midwest. It exceeded my expectations.”

Jeff McPherson
VP Sales & Marketing, Irving Materials, Inc., Indiana

How CarbonCure Mitigates Risk to Concrete Producers

CarbonCure offers proven technologies that are being adopted rapidly around the world:

  • 600+ concrete plants have adopted CarbonCure
  • 1,000s of commercial, infrastructure, and residential projects have been supplied
  • >7.6 million cubic meters (>18 million cubic yards) of CarbonCure concrete have been poured

We are so confident in the efficacy of our technologies, we invest all of the money for your implementation upfront. And if you are not satisfied with the results you see during the initial testing period, you can walk away from our contract.

Our goal is to help you achieve maximum value from your CarbonCure investment so you grow your business, help more of your customers realize the benefits of sustainable concrete, and open up new revenue streams from carbon credits.

For more information on how we invest in your success to mitigate any risk to your business, watch our short webinar series: Your Guide to Success with CarbonCure.

Further Reading

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